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14+ years old and Adults

Below are a few videos which we would like you to watch. They include a consultation explaining what to expect on the day of circumcision, aftercare video for the Forceps guided (traditional) method and how to apply Vaseline when wearing underwear. Please note that every patient is different and whilst this explanation will apply to 99% of patients, if there is anything different, we will advise you accordingly. 

Download our aftercare instructions sheet

You will be given this aftercare sheet after the circumcision but you can also download it by clicking on the link below:


Forceps guided (adults) aftercare instructions sheet

Preparation for circumcision

14+ years & Adults checklist  Preparation for adult circumcision- best circumcision clinic in london guide, instructions and aftercare


Adult Forceps guided (traditional) method aftercare 

How to apply vaseline when wearing underwear

How to stop bleeding

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