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Babies and Toddlers (0-2 years old)

Below are a few videos which we would like you to watch. They include a consultation explaining what to expect on the day of circumcision, aftercare video for the Plastibell/ Circumplast (ring) method, how to change the nappy and an explanation of how to clean the penis after the ring comes off. Please note that every patient is different and whilst this explanation will apply to 99% of patients, if there is anything different which your son may need, we will advise you accordingly. 

We are adding this information in other languages by clicking the links below. Please note that these translations has been done with computer software and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translations, so please also refer to these main English videos. 

Download our aftercare instructions sheet

You will be given this aftercare sheet after the circumcision but you can also download it by clicking on the link below:

Ring aftercare instructions sheet

Preparation for circumcision

0-2 years checklist What to expect for baby and toddler circumcision?- best circumcision clinic in london guide, instructions and aftercare


Plastibell/ cIRCUMPLAST 
(ring) method aftercare 


How to apply Vaseline to the Nappy

How to burp the baby

How to clean the penis after the ring comes off

Forceps guided (traditional Method) aftercare instructions. This is not the common method for this age. Please only watch this if you have been told by us

How to stop post-operative bleeding following Plastibell/ Circumplast (ring) circumcision. Only for Doctors to watch and attempt

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